Healthcare's Patient Referral Network Solution
Healthcare's Patient Referral Network Solution
Healthcare's Patient Referral Network Solution
The Referral Connect platform allows you to easily connect your care network. After entering your referral contacts, the platform will send invitations allowing your contacts to connect directly to you for free.
Accepted invitations enable your team to send and receive direct referrals and direct messages. The value of connecting even 40% of your care network will realize amazing time efficiencies and improved patient care. For those care providers who do not accept invitation, you are still able to update and track the referral from a single dashboard.
It's about time physician practices and healthcare providers were able to communicate directly with each other regardless of Electronic Health Record Systems.
Sending direct messages and patient referrals to your connections is secure and simple. Referral information is added to your form and submitted to your selected provider.
All demographics, referral information, consult notes, insurance cards, and other attachments are included in the sent referral.
The information is clean, organized, and complete for both the sender and receiver.
Direct secure communication makes sending patient referrals simple.
Receiving direct messages and patient referrals from referring providers allows you to easily evaluate, accept or reject a patient referral, and increases the number of complete / 'clean' referrals.
Your practice will receive patient demographics, referral information, consult notes, insurance cards, and other relavant attachments in a way that's easy for your team to act upon.
Custom referral requirements can be specified within your profile to alert referral senders about insurance, procedures offered, or other process requirements.
Additionally, validating your organization profile and offering the ability for practices to easily send direct secure referrals through referral connect will provide for more referral opportunities.
With Referral Connect, you can easily monitor the progress of your referrals and stay up-to-date on any status changes. You won't have to worry about losing track of a referral and your liability will decrease as your team is able to close the loop on each referral.
Instant messaging your connected patient network allows for quick follow up of any questions or practice information.
Improve your patient care by easily tracking and communicating directly with your physicians and care provider network.
Direct referral communication maximizes staff and provider time, increases patient satisfaction, decreases patient questions, complaints, & liability, and results in better patient care.